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latitude 34deg 51'South, longitude 148deg 58 East
The current images are all pre-operational images, intended merely as place-holders.
Most of them are rubbish, as well.

Galaxy rising over LSO
Taken by @sketcher_m during observatory 'first light' test. Check out more of his fantastic images on instagram.

Looking South
Another from @sketcher_m. SCP just off to the right. Bright line over dome is Jupiter.

Heart of M42
Atik ASI2140 OSC, 75mm refractor, colour unguided single image.

Galaxy rising over LSO
Taken by @sketcher_m during observatory 'first light' test. Check out more of his fantastic images on instagram.
The primary purpose of LSO is to finally do some proper astro-imaging, to finally establish that it is in fact me who is rubbish at it, not the equipment!
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