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For details about LSO observatory now that it is operational, click on  The Facility in the menu.


On this page are modifications and changes not covered on the Construction page.

Also included are various things such as the interior fit-out and control systems.


  • The gearing on the motor has been simplified to a single large cog. This has proven to provide adequate speed of rotation.

  • There are now two starter motors, with speed further controlled by an active speed controller (see electronics/control)

  • The simple ring track has been replaced with  25mm diameter pipe, rolled in two parts and attached to the underside of the dome.

  • The 8 rollers have been replaced with 16 sets of 3 skateboard bearings, mounted on the base ring. This has overcome most of the rolling friction problem that occurred once the dome was finished, reducing the stress on the motors. The dome can once more be rotated by one hand with no real effort.

  • The heavy skirt has been replaced with much thinner expansion gap quilted plastic.


  • The laptop/ old desktop combo has been replaced with an ASUS gaming computer. This has had a marked improvement in transfer times for planetary imaging. The computer has an SSD and all 3.0 USB ports.


  • All USB cables are now USB3, even on devices not rated as such.

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