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latitude 34deg 51'South, longitude 148deg 58 East
Welcome to Lonely Spoon Observatory!
LSO is my third astronomical observatory. It incorporates everything I've learnt from my previous efforts- in particular, it is bigger, more comfortable and more automated. The lsobservatory site details the construction and use. I hope you not only enjoy the site but that you take away something as well- possibly knowledge, but more so a desire to do more in astronomy as either an visual or astrophotography observer, or a maker.
This web site is still under construction!
Why Is It Called "Lonely Spoon"?
Lonely Spoon Observatory is so named because during the excavation of the site my grandson turned up a lone tablespoon, buried in the siteworks in the middle of an empty paddock!
One wonders what other cutlery is scattered about the farm!
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